Sunday, November 23, 2008

I had my first serious relationship at 16. I dated this girl for a little over two years off and on (mostly on). When we broke up we both thought that we could stay friends... (forever?) Which, I guess, we are, without all the talking or hanging out.

Anyway, as we were trying to remain friends we would hang out and do random things together, things like drive around aimlessly and purchase a bunny and watch movies. As we struggled to find reasons to enjoy each other I had a lame idea.

A very lame idea.

I told her that if we missed each other we could look at the stars and like hold hands with each other via the stars that are Orion's hands. I want to say I worded it a little better but who knows. Oh to be 18, or whatever.

The saddest part is that I am not an incredibly creative person. At the time this ex swooned over this and we both got very huggy about it. So I have since told this exact same thing to, at least, two other ex's. Trying in vain to find some way to connect with women (girls?) on a meaningful level. The result of which is that whenever I see this constellation I am riddled with guilt. Typically, also riddled with the names of the girls that I have this poetic outer-space, hand-holding orgy with.


Nate Himself said...

that is fucking great! hahah.

Unknown said...

this. this is what this blog is about.

Manley © said...

I'm with Sklya, that is exactly what I expected from this blog from the get-go!

Way to be a remorseful shit-bag!