Sunday, November 2, 2008

a brief interlude.

There are somethings here at Unfuck Yourself that we simply do not post about. Most of these things being our interactions with each other. It simply goes without saying that we try our best not to give each other away, such is the nature of our lives.
Ex's, specific references to people that REALLY don't want to be listed here, having sex with mentally handicapped, doing drugs with local politicians, etc. are all things that while may seem REALLY fucked up, that is the nature of this site.

we write about fucked up things.

things that WE do.

names are changed, certain facts omitted, certain ideas embellished, for the simple fact that this is a workshop for us to better release our deviant natures. not to hurt people more than we have/may have/want to.

but if you're hurt.

I'm sorry.

I'll take it up with god.

he'll let it slide on account that his son was fucking a whore.

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