Sunday, November 2, 2008

I get HIV. part II.

Now Mary is a lot of things.

compassionate is not one of those, so her arrival on I95 late that night (specifically to pick me up no less) was an oddity.

attractive is also not one of those things. with a face like an animal, glasses that somehow made her even less charming and a personality like a fucking beaten dog whose turned on its owners. She made all my ex-girlfriends look like supermodel psych-grad students.

strung out on coke IS one of those things.

Funny thing about cocaine...
it goes very well with pretty much all other mind/mood-altering substances. like cold pills.

So that was the summer I spent living in a rancid garbage dump of an apartment. getting fucked and fucked up with a gnarly looking broad who despite her short comings, really took care of me. On many nights we would put away a few grams, I would chow down on 2-3 boxes of the sweet little C+C+C. And from there things would spin violently out of control. on one such occasion I built a pyramid of furniture and debris in my room. perched naked on a lawn chair at the top and delivered a sermon to my only follower, a crackhead who'd moved into my living room with his meth-ridden strumpet from miami and their cat. Autumneer.

Also on that occasion, Mary began speaking to me in german while she was losing her mind on the cough medicine.

(Before we get much further, I'm being honest. As much as I really wish I wasn't, I made it two steps out of high school and fell right into the bottom of the god damned barrel. oh yeah, p.s. this bitch sucked.)

We would have sex, she would mumble things in german, I would interpret them into strange and important snippets of info. Like a news ticker in hell.

After not too many nights of this, Mary began bringing home syringes with saline so we could start mainlining our drugs instead of putting them up our noses.
From there we began joking about how "terrible it would be if we got hepatitis from one of the wierdos at the dialysis clinic she worked at".

then amidst a sub-par blow job, I came to the conclusion that hepatitis would be unfortunate. but cancer or AIDs, or something, THAT would be a real shame.

lots of attention and a license to crawl around on my guts forever.

so Mary went to work fudging the shit out of her blood test that her office made her take. we made a few copies. hid them around the house where the roommates would find them, unable to keep their noses out of our fucking business. then voila!

"hey D. I need to talk to you...."

I had HIV.

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