Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ok, more of a bullet point presentation than a story,

all things c
onsidered [[and there are a shit ton of things to consider--editor]] this past weekend(this post was drafted on the 8th) was a roaring success. Despite having personally lived in Tallahassee for quite some time, I have never been privy to some of its finer points. Thank whatever god that still checks his voice mail for friends like Mannes&Rhino...

Now for us to properly assess the weekend we'll have to break it down into more basic elements.

element one; My associate, mainlining a cocktail of whiskey and Darvocet. While in and of itself is not necessarily the most interesting thing in the world. However, IT IS. I'll explain by way of the tale that follows.

element two; Me trying to impress a long-legged-full-headed-art-bitch. That in and of itself is immensely amusing to onlookers. Oh bytheway this endeavor was at a
non-swimming-pool party. yeah.

element three; a supporting cast involving a home-owned bar known as Mecca and its' regulars. Two delightfully intelligent DJ's. a mansion and an army of randos. a tape recorder. enough darvocet and cheap booze to stabilize a nation of chronic back pain sufferers.

The night in all its glory starts, peaks, and ends with Sleazy trying to take his dick out to explain to everyone that all he has to do is walk in there exposed.

and someone will just have to start sucking it.

me convincing some random young lady to explain to D. that he was a two-toned turd, clad all in gray. for some reason(probably the pills) this hurt his feelings.

pretending to be a photog with a fancy camera strapped to my neck taking very close pictures of everyone's mouths. while the flash drove everyone insane. Did I mention I was dressed like a fucking tourist.---->

I'm going to include some audio in a couple of days when i can get mannes to explain it to me. Because i can't explain myself until you hear what I heard.

regardless this has been more of a "we aren't done with this" post than an actual recounting of our bottom feeding.

we've just added a new contributor "juice" who will be joining us shortly and we'll have some new surprises in store in the days to come.

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